Thursday, April 9, 2009

Brad The Bear

I have lost 2 more pounds. I am slowly starting to work out more. I went for a bike ride yesterday. I need to buckle down and quit being lazy. That's my only excuse!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Jen's weigh-in.

I'm doing the happy dance. I don't know if my metabolism finally kicked in, or if it is the protein powder I'm using now, or if it is just a fluke, or WHAT, but I've been losing weight, despite the fact that I had a crazy week last week (actually, probably the last two weeks). I am less than a pound from my next goal. It makes me wonder if I was restricting my calories a bit too much, because I've been so busy the last week that I've had to eat some things (I had a snickers bar for dinner at a conference one night last week!) that I shouldn't have. I think I only worked out three times last week (three times on the treadmill, and two of those times I also did weights). Need to get back on track with that this week.

Have you guys noticed your body's methods throughout these past however many weeks? (What week are we on? I know I'm on week 10 of Total Body Makeover) I've started to become much more familiar with my body's tendencies. Makes me feel better to know what is going on, motivates me to do the right thing because I'm more aware of how my body reacts to things, and while things seem to move slowly at times, I know that my body works in spurts.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Becky Becky boe Becky

Ok, I don't know what week to put this as. I am cracking down on food intake, starting today! I am sticking to it! AND I am excited to get a Legacy Center membership. Don't know what I will do there, but hopefully something to burn some FAT!

April -- Week 14

I am up a pound. I guess reverting to my old ice cream habits was a bad idea! Oh well, it is a new day and I will be a better eater.

I hope to sweat off at least a few pounds in Vegas next week!!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Brad The Bear

Well I am back on a regular work schedule now. Which means I can be on a regular work out schedule. I have not lost or gained for a while. But my goals are to work out 3-4 times a week. Bikeing, eliptical, and running and maybe swimming now and again.

Monday, March 30, 2009

April -- Week 13

So you remember that whopping .2 of a pound I dropped last week. Well I picked it up again :) Like I said earlier, I couldn't stop eating this past week. What is a girl to do!?!?!?

The triathlon went well. I definitely know what weaknesses I need to focus on for the next race. So it is back to training!!

Happy sweating!!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Somebody Stop ME!!

I am eating every Carb that I can get my hands on! I am seriously out of control!! I cant figure out why I have been so freaking hungry this week. I need my jaw wired shut!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

April -- Week 12

I am down by a whopping .2 of a pound!! I have been working my tush off. I can see that things are firming up. So I wont beat myself up about such a small loss this week. Someone at work said they can tell I have lost weight. So that is definitely encouraging!!

This coming weekend is the big day... the triathlon. I am getting excited for it! My running is getting faster each training session. And we have been riding lots. So I might be slower then the other competitors, but at least this race wont kill me. :)

Remember to STRETCH!!!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Biggest Slacker EVER

That's me! I have been such a bum not posting!!! I have actually lost a pound...LOL. I need to get back into the swing of working out more. This week I did Zumba once (I had school on the other Zumba night :( and went on a bike ride yesterday. I know it's not enough to be losing weight, but I figure if I'm active at all it's a good thing. My regular routine with the girls just doesn't include exercise most of the time, so I'm proud when I actually do work out. Keep up the good work you guys! You're rockin'!!!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Jen's weigh-in.

I can't say I had a great week in the weight-loss department. In fact, I think I'm up just a bit from where I was at last week. And remember how I said I was going to do better with my weights workouts last week? Well. Yeah. About that. Um...that didn't really happen. I did weights once (could have been twice, can't remember at the moment) last week. I ran on the treadmill five times. My last couple runs have felt so hard. I've felt weak. I can really tell the difference between when I'm running with lots of good food in my system and those times when I try to run with little or nothing in my stomach. It is just so frustrating to find the ideal time. I feel sick if I run right after I eat, but I feel weak if it has been too long since I ate. I'm really starting to see why people drink protein shakes. Doesn't help that our treadmill is on the fritz. It has a mind of its own and keeps slowing down drastically. I've come close to injuring myself and it is really making me mad. Punching the machine strangely didn't help, just made my hand hurt.